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- Karen DuBose
Untainted Magic (The Light Realm Series Book 1) Page 2
Untainted Magic (The Light Realm Series Book 1) Read online
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Lifting my eyebrow at her. “You thought by blurting it out would make it easier for me to tell you? Well, ok than. I’m going up stairs if you need me. This morning has maxed itself out for being weird.” I turn and walk away from her. I need some peace and quiet. Maybe I will be able to figure things out.
Chapter 3
I crawl onto my favorite spot and take a deep breath. Being up here really does calm me for some reason. I look out the slit and watch as the people of our town head to their destinations. I love to people watch. You can tell a lot by just watching them. I’m about to go grab a book when someone catches my eye. When I look back they were gone. I could have sworn there was someone there looking right at me. I shrug. It must be my mind playing tricks on me. Besides there hasn’t been strangers here in over eight years. Ever since the Cameo’s arrived.
I still remember the first day they arrived. Everyone was so excited to meet them. Their son Chase was twelve years old and shy. He was a scrawny little thing. Once Lex saw him she said he was hers. It took longer than expected for them to finally become an item. After three years of chasing him she finally got him and have been together ever since. Sometimes it makes me sick being in the same room with them. Other times I’m just happy for them.
I grab the book I was reading and get lost in the words. I hear my name being called and look up at the time. It’s already lunch time. I love it when a book can keep me away. I stand up and stretch. Only bad thing is I get stiff for sitting for so long.
Mom calls my name again. “I will be right down.” I yell down to her. Putting the book down, I head for the stairs. I’m almost there when I get this feeling to look out the slit again. When I look, I see a man with his eyes covered by a hoodie he is wearing, I can tell he is staring right at me. I step back from view. Who in the world is that, and why is he staring up here? No one knows I come up here besides my mom and Lex. The pull is making me look out the slit again, but the man is gone. I’m starting to think I’m losing my mind.
I rush down stairs before my mom calls me again. She doesn’t like to be late for lunch. I wonder where we are going today. I hope it’s not to Mage’s café. That woman hates me with a passion. I have never done anything to her except denied her son to go out with me. It’s not like I ask these guys to ask me out. I overheard her telling Sofia, another coven leader, that I thought I was too good for her son. That isn’t the case at all.
Once I’m at the bottom of the stairs my mom comes around the corner. When she sees me, she jumps in surprise. “I was just about to come get you. Are you ready to go have lunch? I’m thinking we could go to Mystic’s dinner. We haven’t been there in a while.”
I’m so relived we weren’t going to Mage’s. “Yeah, I’m ready. I’m starving and I’m in need of coffee. Has it been busy today?”
We walk to the back door and she turns to me. “You would know if you didn’t stay up there all day. But to answer your question no more than usual.” She is in a mood. I wonder what has happened to cause her chipper spirit to go. “Mom, what happened?”
She walks out the door without answering my question. I follow her giving her time to answer me, but when we reach the car she still hasn’t answered me. I get in the car not knowing what to say so I just sit there. She will tell me when she is ready. Turning to the window, I stare out it, giving her space.
When she backs out of the parking spot I get the same feeling I did when I was in the tower. I turn to find the man, but he isn’t anywhere in sight. What the hell is going on. Am I really losing my mind? I shiver just thinking about it.
She pulls out onto the street and the feeling gets stronger. I keep searching for this mysterious man. I need know that he is real and not me going crazy. As we get closer to Mystic’s dinner, the feeling is gone. I wonder if I should ask my mom, but, then again, I don’t want her to think I’m going crazy. When she parks, I open the door, before I have a chance to get out she grabs my hand.
“Sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to sound rude. You asked me what happened and well, Carter came in to check on us. He asked where you were, and I told him you were cleaning upstairs. He took that opportunity to tell me you have until your birthday to have your magic in control and to be ready to take on the dark source. If you don’t than they will make you whether you are ready or not.”
I could feel the heat of my magic coursing through me. The angrier I got, the hotter the magic became. It didn’t burn me, but I knew if I didn’t do something soon there will be destruction. How dare he say that. He has no say over what I do. The coven can go shove it. If they want the dark source taken care of they can do it themselves. “You know what, you can tell the coven to go to hell. I am leaving tomorrow, you can either come with me or stay. They have no right to tell me what I am or am not doing. I’m so sick of them.” My magic is making me shake. I knew I need to release it soon.
I heard my name being called and I saw Carter coming towards us. That is a bad idea right now. Without thinking I let my magic go and knocked him down while pinning him to the ground. I got out of the car and walk over to him. The fear that is staring back at me just made it that much worse for him. “So, I hear you are going to use me anyway you see fit. Guess what you and the rest of the coven leaders can go to hell. I will not be your pawn any longer.” He gave away his plans in his facial expression. “What did you think it was going to be ok to tell me when and where I take on the dark source. Think again. I will not die for you or anyone else. I will take him on when the time is right. So, either sit back and let me figure it out on my own or you can try to force me and see how well that works for you.” I release the hold I have on him and walk away.
I can hear him talking to my mom. I didn’t stick around to figure out what was said. I wasn’t hungry anymore, so I just start walking around. I have no destination in mind. My magic is still humming inside me, letting me know it’s there to comfort me. I’m so angry I don’t think anything I do will calm me down. I’m so lost in thought I didn’t realize the sun had gone down already. My mom is probably worried about me. I look around to see where I am, noticing the lake to my right, I knew I’m just outside the town limits. The house isn’t that far away. I head in that direction, when I got that feeling again. I stop in my tracks and look around. I’m over this. “Whoever you are, show yourself!” Still looking around, I wait a few minutes, when no one comes out. I let out the breath I’m holding and start to walk again.
What in the world is going on. There is no way I’m losing my mind. Is there? I don’t have time to think about that, I have other things to worry about. I’m serious about leaving tomorrow. I would leave tonight but I want to say goodbye to Lex. She is the only thing I’m going to miss here. There is nothing here for me, except anger and resentment. The house comes into view and I see Lex on the porch steps. When she sees me, she runs to me. The fear in her eyes makes me stop. “You have to leave, leave now!” She is pushing me the other direction. “Lex, what the hell are you doing?”
“The coven leaders are here, and they are trying to lock you up for the crap you pulled on Carter today. By the way that was awesome. You need to leave now. Go to the lake I will be there in an hour.” She rushes back over the steps and sits back down. I turn around and go back to the lake just to make her feel better. I could take on the Coven. They think I am weak. I’ve only showed them a very small part of my magic. They don’t need to know just how powerful I am.
They want to lock me away for treating one of their precious leaders with disrespect, but it’s ok for them to try and use me and maybe even kill me. Yeah, fat chance that will ever happen. I am leaving tonight with or without my mom. I’m done with them. I refuse to be used by the likes of them. There is a life outside this town that is calling to me, and I intend to find it.
The closer I got to the lake the more I got the feeling of being watched. I ignore it this time. I’m done letting my mind play tricks on me. I head for my favorite oak tree and sit down. I let my magic c
onnect to nature while I wait. It’s the only way I know how to calm it down. The peace it’s bringing me is blissful. Letting out a sigh of content, I lean my head back against the tree. Closing my eyes, I drift off to sleep.
I don’t know how long I was asleep when I felt a pull so strong it woke me up. I open my eyes and I saw the man standing in the bushes not ten yards from me. I didn’t know what to do. Should I sit up and confront him or just stay where I am? I watch him as he stares at me. After what felt like hours he turns around and leaves. Not saying a word to me. That’s creepy as hell. I stand up about to follow him when I hear Lex call my name. I whip around, I see she is with my mom and Chase.
I walk over to them. “So, what is going on? Am I on the most wanted list?” Trying my best to stay positive.
Lex is the first to laugh. “Why Miss Shadow, you are to be put into a cell by yourself until you turn twenty-one, and then you are to do as we say with no questions asked.” That seems about right.
“Mom, I know I told you I was leaving tomorrow, but that seems to have changed. I will be leaving tonight. Lex, you know I love you more than anything, but I can’t stay here anymore. I hope you forgive me one day.” My heart is breaking I didn’t want to leave her behind. Who knows what they will do to her to get information. It scares the hell out of me.
“Do you really think I am staying here without you? You don’t know me as well as you thought. Where you go I go, remember?” I’m taken aback. I didn’t think she would ever leave Chase. I look over at him and see determination in his eyes. Shouldn’t he be upset she is leaving him. “You know you don’t have to do that. I don’t even know where I’m going to go yet. I know I can’t stay here and have them treat me this way. I’m not going to tolerate it anymore.”
“Listen Skye, I know you are worried about me and I love you for that. Think of how I will feel if you left and I didn’t know what is happening to you. I will lose my shit and come looking for you. Now let us go get our stuff while your mom gets your guys stuff. You stay here out of sight we will be back in twenty minutes.”
Our stuff? “Chase are you coming to?”
He looks at me with a sheepish grin. “You know I can’t live without Lex. The decision was made when she said she is going with you.” He looks over at Lex and Lex gives him her best smile. I can see the love they have for each other, and it melts my anger and heart. I wonder if I will ever find someone like that.
“We need to hurry before they do a town search for me. I really don’t want to deal with them right now.” They nod their heads in agreement and take off. I sure hope I’m not making everyone’s life miserable by leaving or get us into more trouble.
I walk over to the bushes to find a safe place to stay until they all get back. Once I found the spot, I sit and wait. Being alone is the worst for me. All I ever do is think. What is going to happen when we leave? Will the dark source know where I will be? Am I strong enough to take him? Where will we go? So many questions are running through my head. A snap of a twig brings me out of my thoughts, startling me.
I don’t dare say a word. It could be one of the coven leaders. I don’t want to give away my hiding spot. I move closer to the bushes to see if I can see anyone. After a few minutes I don’t hear or see anyone. I released the breath I didn’t even know I was holding and sit back to where I was.
“You know your hiding skills suck.” I jump up and scream. My heart is slamming against my chest. The mystery man is standing in front of me. I still can’t see his face with his hood covering most of it. The darkness surrounds him like a second skin. “Who are you and why are you stalking me?”
He lets out a small laugh. “Now what fun would that be to give myself away this early on. I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out yet. I’m sure with you being sheltered in this town you may have just gave me the upper hand.” With that he is gone again. What the hell just happened and what did he mean by that?
I heard Lex talking, I hope she is talking to Chase and not a coven leader. When Chase answered her, I came out of my hiding spot. I looked for them making sure they were indeed alone. Lex spots me and rushes over to me. I think we are being followed you need to get out of town now. We will meet you at the hotel in Cicero. Give us some time to get them off our trail. We hear shouting. When we turn to look Sofia and Carter are rushing our way. I didn’t give them a chance to get any closer to me. I ran.
“Get back here Skye! You have nowhere to go! You might as well stop!” I hear Carter yell. Yeah, because I’m going to stop so you can lock me up. I don’t think so buddy. I run as fast as I can.
Cicero is over sixty miles away. If I stay off the main roads I can make it there. They will be looking for me. That I know for sure. Taking my cell phone out of my pocket, I dialed my mom’s number. I will have to get rid of it once I’m done. I don’t want them to track me down. Three rings later my mom answers. “I’m on my way to the lake. Sorry its taking me so long.”
“Mom. Carter and Sofia found me at the lake. I’m headed to Cicero. I need you to leave now before they stop you. Get rid of your phone after this call. I love you.” I told her the route I plan on taking before I hung up with her. I toss the phone into the field and start walking. I sure hope Lex and Chase are ok. I don’t know if the coven will do anything to them or not.
Chapter 4
The darkness is peaceful as I walk. I hear the crickets chirping and owls hooting. I let my mind wonder. Hoping to make the time go faster. I know I didn’t except my day to turn out like this. It started off as a regular day. I knew I wanted to leave but not as a fugitive. I look up when I see headlights up the road. I rush over to the high grass and lay low. Please don’t let it be the Coven, I really don’t want to take them out. It’s slow approach has me worried. Maybe I should have hid further in the high grass. The closer It got, I realized it’s mom’s car. You can’t miss a bright yellow car like hers. I jump from my hiding spot and I hear the tires slid on the gravel road. It’s a good thing she wasn’t going any faster she would have ended up in the ditch.
I run over to the car and jump in. “Go! We need to get to Cicero. Lex and Chase are meeting us there. After that we need to get as far as we can.” I let the worry wash away a little. “So, how does it feel to have a fugitive as a daughter?” I couldn’t help the last bit. I still can’t believe it myself.
Mom shakes her head, giving me a grin. “I don’t know how I feel about that. But I know it wasn’t your fault so that helps. Are you alright? I know this is a lot to take in.”
Shrugging my shoulders, I realize that I really haven’t let myself feel. “To tell you the truth I’ve been blocking my feelings ever since I kind of attacked Carter. I let my anger rule my actions. I’ve never done that before. I’m normally more composed. I don’t even know what got over me.” I squirm in my seat as my mom looks at me.
“I know you are upset, so I’m not even going to ask why you let your anger control you. I got most of our clothes and packed all the canned goods and box food. I even cleaned out both of our bank accounts. That way they can’t trace us. Is there any place you really want to go to first?”
Looking over at her, I know there is a look of shock plastered on my face. Is this the same woman who didn’t want to leave this morning? “Well, since you are asking I’m thinking about visiting Tennessee. I’ve read the mountains there are beautiful. You know how much I love the mountains. What do you think?”
There is silence before she answers me. “I think Tennessee is a prefect plan. Let’s hope Lex and Chase made it out. We can’t wait to long for them. They will start searching outside of town. Specially since I emptied the bank accounts.”
I lean back into the seat, resting against the head rest, and close my eyes. I was just about to go into a deep sleep when I feel my mom shaking me awake. I pop my eyes open and lean forward. I look around our surroundings looking for the coven leaders. “It’s ok. I wanted to let you know we are here. We will wait for an hour before we head out.
Do you know how far Tennessee is?”
I look over at her and she is looking at a map. When did she learn to read a map? “Do you know how to read that?” She shrugs her shoulders. I take the map out of her hands and take a look. If we take I-90, I-82, I-84, I-80 then to I-40 we can make it there in four days if we don’t stop that much and sleep and drive in shifts. I can’t believe it’s almost two thousand and seven hundred miles away. I hope that is far enough away from Starburn.
Mom disrupts my thoughts. “Did you figure out the way, and how far it is? The way it looks on the map it didn’t look that far at all.” I bring my hands to my face and rub them down my face. I really need know. “Mom, how far do you think it is?”
She looks at me with a grin. “Well, it looks like a day’s drive.” I couldn’t help but laugh at that. My poor mom is so bad at reading maps. The look on her face just makes me laugh harder. I try to stop laughing but I’m having difficulties doing so.
When I finally stop, my mom has her arms crossed over her chest and is looking out the driver side window. I know I hurt her feelings and I regret that, but I really needed a good laugh. “Mom, I’m sorry. Truly, I am. It’s a four-day drive if we don’t stop all that much and drive in shifts.” She looks back at me with her mouth open. “How do you figure that? The map makes it looks so close to here.”
Shaking my head to answer, “If they had to blow up the map to show you how far it is it would be thicker than the dictionary and then some.” I show her the map. “You see this on the top that looks like a ruler. That length will tell you how many miles there is. In the back it will tell you how far each major city is to each other.” She takes the map from me. “I never knew that. How did you learn to read maps?” I chuckle. “I have been planning for so long to leave I taught myself.” She nods her head still looking at the map. I turn to look out the side window.